Hello and welcome back! Last Semester this blog was designed to demonstrate the application of specific technologies to Occupational Therapy practice, but Semester Two the focus has changed to an activity that I enjoy doing!
So we will be looking at the value of meaningful engagement in occupation through mindfulness, frameworks and philosophies. I will be regularly posting over the next six weeks and the occupation of my choice is hebel sculpture!
We, as a small group chose the letter L to depict in our short film. Making use of the surrounding environment, resources and I.T already available. The story board proved to be very valuable as we adjusted, cropted and arranged many times prior to being satisfied. The with Using Movie Maker we created a short but fun visual presentation of the letter L accompained by music I just happened to still have on my USB stick from a class last semester.
We, as a small group chose the letter L to depict in our short film. Making use of the surrounding environment, resources and I.T already available. The story board proved to be very valuable as we adjusted, cropted and arranged many times prior to being satisfied. The with Using Movie Maker we created a short but fun visual presentation of the letter L accompained by music I just happened to still have on my USB stick from a class last semester.