List some of the ways that digital images are stored, transfered and manipulated using I.T:
Digital images can be stored in the cameras inbuilt memory or on a SD Card (Secure Digital Card), transfered to a computer to a shared position (ie pictures, documents) via a USB cord (universal serial bus). These images can be manipulated not only on the same camera but also on the computer.
"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature"
For me this statement says how the latest and greatest may have add zoom, mega pixels, colour, style, detail capabilities but at the end of the day the function remains the same!
What do I consider to be some of the pluses and minuses digital camera technology holds in relation to more traditional film based camera's?
+ are digital cameras allows the user to delete, alter, print and crop immediately
- are digital technology removes the original unique occupation of being able to develop the film yourself.
Given the prevalence of image capturing and distribution using I.T, what ethical issues may arise with their use?
Those who's image has been captured may not of given their consent to have their picture taken. These images could be publicly displayed and cause a problem for whom ever concerned.
Prior to taking a photo the other day of one of my study group buddies I asked for their consent. Often when the camera operator asks, then people do not object.
Briefly discuss some of the ways that digital images could, or are being used in O.T practice.
Digital cameras are useful for taking images for persons with hearing and/or speech difficulties. The picture board system for those with learning difficulties is another example of where digital images are used to give choices to participate in tasks and as a communication tool.
Occupational Therapists take photographs of clients or their homes for pictorial references in reports such as applying for extensions on an existing home for someone with a disability.
Take a look through some of the above Slide Show - interesting!
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