Digital Imagery

Digital Imagery
Captured on film

Wednesday, 12 October 2011


Third Blog Entry:

Hello again,

The next two blog entries will look at the outcomes that can come from my activity of sculpting hebel.
Outcomes are also known as affordances.

Mary Law (1998) defines affordances as the “characteristics of the environment that are uniquely identified by the person based on their cognitive style, experiences and abilities” (p.111)

Within this concept there are many components of affordances and to name but a few:

·         Communication;
·         Spirituality;
·         Connections;
·         Ethics;
·         Aesthetics’……

      This quote below from Crepeau capture's spirituality nicely, when I reflect of why I like to create with hebel.
Crepeau (2003) describes spirituality as being "the fundamental orientation, which inspires and motivates the individual" (p.193).

When I reflect about being creative and making a sculpture from hebel for a particular friend or family member, the thoughts that I have are related to spirituality: inspiration, motivation and an idea of a piece of work that has me thinking of them especially.
Hebel inspires me to create and sculpt therefore I am motivated to produce a piece of work, I am often orientated to be creative for a family or friends birthday or celebration/event and gifting a piece of hebel sculpture.
Spirituality has a different meaning for each and everyone of us, but for me it fits very well with my activity.

                                                        CTate 2009

Additional Information:

      Looking in my diary reminded me of a friend’s 40th that was fast approaching and I recall she had mentioned that she would like a piece of my work. It was a sunny weekend morning, just perfect to create. As I set up for the project and thought of this particular friend, and an idea came to mind, she would love it! She had recently re-decorated her dining room and purchased a long rectangular eight seating table & chairs, absolutely enormous and I could just picture a long rectangular candle hebel piece in the centre. Knowing Leigh like I do she would appreciate the clean lines of a rectangular hebel piece, clean and fresh in appearance and I will place light yellow tea light candles in, to highlight the light yellow that she has chosen as a complementary colour.


      Crepeau, E. (2003). Analysing occupation and activity: A way of thinking about occupational  performance. In, Willard and Spackman’s occupational therapy (10th ed., pp.189-198). Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

     Law, M. (Ed.). (1998). Client centered occupational therapy. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated.


  1. I couldn't help but make a comparison of you creating a new hebel design and me composing a new guitar tune in my guitar playing activity in my blog. They are both creativity based occupations which could be used in the rehabilitation of clients who find them meaningful in terms of having an aptitude for them. This is one craft that can be both work and labour as you seem to enjoy it as a hobby but can commercialise it if you want to. Next time put in a YouTube demonstration of you crafting a basic design so that some of us who are crafty can try it out.

  2. Hey Godhelp, Thank you for your comment! This activity has been used by clients that I worked with in Thames and there are so many aspects of O.T within this activity!
    I will consider a YouTube demonstration, my only dilemma is that creating from hebel is not a quick process, maybe instead I should hold a sculpture day during the holidays and you can try it out for yourself. Cheers, Cara.

  3. Hi Cara,
    You writing your blog about Hebel sculpture has made me want to try it. You have described it very well and made it sound very appealing. It also sounds like it would be a very fun and relaxing intervention for a client. You may have written about it in another post, but I would be interested to find out the origin of Hebel sculpture.
